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Local MP Sean Woodcock Visits Bloxham Primary: Inspiring Conversations with Pupils

This week, Bloxham Primary School again welcomed local MP Sean Woodcock as part of Parliament Week. Sean delivered an engaging assembly and also met with our Pupil Parliament for a lively discussion on democracy, leadership, and local and global issues.

During the Q&A session, pupils posed thoughtful and challenging questions, demonstrating their awareness of the world around them. From "Do you have time to be with your family?" to "What are you doing about cleaning up rivers and streams?" the children tackled both personal and political topics with confidence. Sean was impressed by the depth of their enquiries and took time to provide thoughtful answers.

Amongst the questions were:

  • "What issues do you care most about?" Sean highlighted housing, environmental protection, and ensuring people have enough money to eat and heat their homes as critical areas of concern.
  • "How do you feel when people make the wrong choices in Parliament?" He discussed the challenges of working in a democratic system and the importance of understanding different perspectives but also to challenge decisions if you don't agree and try and persuade people to change their minds.
  • "What changes would you make to schools?" This led to a discussion about community support for schools and the importance of nurturing safe, inclusive environments.

The conversation also touched on renewable energy, including wind, solar, and tidal power, and the pressing need to address climate change. Pupils also sought advice for Pupil Parliament, asking, "How can we be heard? How can we implement change?" Sean encouraged face-to-face meetings, writing letters, and using posters and leaflets to raise awareness.

In addition to the visit, the school community came together today on the culmination of our Road Safety Awareness Week, wearing bright colours to support the Be Safe, Be Seen campaign. With growing traffic outside the school and the loss of our wonderful lollipop lady, road safety remains a pressing concern and one that Sean agreed to help follow up with the County Council.

The visit left a lasting impression, inspiring pupils to think critically about their role in the community and the wider world. We thank Sean for his time and his thoughtful responses to our pupils' questions and also a HUGE well done to Miss Beale and our amazing Pupil Parliament for asking such brilliant questions and representing our school.